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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectNEED HELP understanding "build out" process.
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30, NEED HELP understanding "build out" process.
Posted by mceric, Fri Aug-25-06 05:22 PM
Hi, we're in the process of figuring out start-up costs and we're trying to figure how to come up with an estimate for a facility that we want to lease and most likely renovate to fit our business/services (the facility is only hypothetical so far). However, we have no experience in hiring contractors and we're not sure how to determine who is best suited for the job, how to find them, and how much information we'll need to have available for them so that an accurate assement can be made. Do we have to pay for a consult or do we pitch them the idea and wait for a proposal/bid.

Any advice would be helpful...
