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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subject3 Basic Start-up Questions
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1532, 3 Basic Start-up Questions
Posted by msawka, Tue Oct-21-08 03:25 AM

I am starting a Children's Etiquette business where I provide training services in the area of manners and etiquette. I am running the service business from my home. I have a few basic business questions:

1. Do I need a separate address from my home address for my business? Ex: a different PO Box number?

2. Do I need to formally register my business before I can start using my business name on printed materials and begin to collect fees in my business name? (Maryann Sawka's Etiquette Academy, Inc.)

3. Are there any insurances I need to purchase for a service business? For example, I have 2 etiquette workshops that I am currently running through a local YMCA where they collect the money in their business office and pay me a percentage (previously agreed upon amount). Since the workshops are held at a business site, am I covered by their insurance and do I need to have my own insurance of some kind?

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions!!

Maryann Sawka
1578, RE: 3 Basic Start-up Questions
Posted by nightsky, Fri Dec-05-08 08:37 PM
Why not write a book on the subject of etiquette that teaches parents how to teach it to their kids themselves?

Then, when you are a published author... that will, in turn, drive more business to you. Or, you will be on the Oprah show and will sell so many books that you won't need to meet with the kids any more.

I'm just saying...

Jeff S.
Night Sky Murals
Award Winning Murals (Product) (Business Opportunity)

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