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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectWA small biz owners save 15%-35% off online orders at Staples via
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1156, WA small biz owners save 15%-35% off online orders at Staples via
Posted by profnot, Fri Mar-14-08 06:09 AM
Hi, All

After 8 months of volunteer work, I just launched Best of Washington - a new non-profit online statewide chamber of commerce for small business owners in WA.

WA small business owners can save 15%-35% off online orders at Staples simply by joining for free. Your free membership will never turn into a paid one.

Become a member for free, post your business profile (also free), and then click on the Staples logo and follow the instructions. This is not a one-time or introductory offer. Members of Best of Washington continue to get 15%-35% off online orders at Staples. The minimum for your first order is $100. After that the minimum is $50. Both include free delivery. You might wish to combine orders with a friend on the first one. More vendor discount offers are coming.

FREE membership gets you:
Free business profile to boost your internet marketing
Discounts for members from vendors selling products and services
Links to terrific free resources for small business owners

Small business owners pay top price for office supplies and the other goods and services we need to run our businesses. But we are the people who can least afford to pay full price.

Best of Washington is a new FREE non-profit chamber of commerce helping small business owners in Washington. It uses collective clout to secure discounts for members and helps them advertise their businesses. Staples is already on board: they give 15%-35% off online orders to our members. The larger the membership, the better and more numerous the discounts.

The group needs bigger membership numbers to attract more vendors to give great discounts. Right now we only have 260 members and a scant handful of vendors. Dozens of other vendors are interested but want to see bigger membership numbers before they offer deals. Future vendors include toner cartridge sellers, cell phone companies, and a terrific chocolatier.

So if you have a small business in WA,

If you are not in WA, please tell your friends here to join.

Best of Washington does not make money on the vendor deals. You make purchases directly from the vendors. This is truly a non-profit organization. The founders used personal money to launch this organization. We are in the process of incorporating as a 501c 6 corporation.

Your free membership will never turn into a paid one. Your information is never shared or sold. We promise.

Thanks for your help and enjoy your discounts!