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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: How do I protect myself?
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743, RE: How do I protect myself?
Posted by nlmccre, Wed Jun-13-07 08:53 AM
OK... so you have a product and need to go from there. Simple, really. I believe the cost for a patent is somewhere in the ballpark of $250.00. However, before you can apply for a patent, you need to do the research and make sure that there isn't already a product like yours out there. This can take a long time, since there are literally millions of patents and I am not sure of how they are listed.

Once you get your patent #, (even if it is pending) whatever packaging you have or even on the product itself, you'll need to have the words patent# or patent pending, along with the actual number.

Finally to market to cigarette companies, you can either DIY, or you can employ a marketing firm. Doing it yourself is more cost effective, but is also time consuming and stressful. My suggestion would be to create some marketing materials. These materials can be tricky, since you are basically entering into the sales arena and you want these executives to see why your product is essential to their customers needs. You'll also want to call all of the cigarette companies and find out who is responsible for purchasing and product integration. Get this 411 along with the mailing address for each company. Each one of these companies you'll send a sample to at no cost.

About a week after you have mailed out the samples, follow up with a phone call. Be sure to ask for the person by name. Chances are, you will get a secretary. Schmoozing around them can be tricky, so be tactful. If you do get the secretary, tell her that you are following up on some correspondence with "so-and-so". You're not lying to her, but at the same time, you're not giving away that you are trying to sell something either.

Make sure your contact information is overstated, IE. on several pieces of literature. Include cost per item and bulk discounts if you plan on offering them. If it's something that is designed to work with a cigarette, then be sure to have one attached to your invention. And whatever you do---HAVE EVERYTHING HANDY FOR THESE EXECUTIVES. Their lives are busy enough and you want to look like the person who thought of everything.

I hope this helps. I'm not a marketing professional, but I do have several years of sales under my belt and this is the road I would take. ;)