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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectHow do I protect myself?
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741, How do I protect myself?
Posted by jwensil, Wed Jun-13-07 06:11 AM
I posted this in another forum (sorry for double post...) but maybe it was the wrong forum as I haven't received any responses?


I have an awesome idea. This idea has the potential to make a very large sum of money. I have made the prototype and not one person whom I've showed hasn't liked it.

I would post it here, but I need to make sure that I'm fully protected on it. I have gone through the usual steps of taking pictures and writing up a description with what it is, how to make it and what it will be used for to myself.

Now with that said, this is something that will be marketed strictly to cigarette companies. I need to find out approx. how much a patent will cost (I think it varies depending on the type of invention?). Also, once that has been completed, it's not really something that I need investors for since it costs a fraction of a cent to make, however I need to know how to market to the large cigarette companies. I guess I'm trying to find out my next steps. Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated. And as always, a BIG thanks to Idea Cafe for this website!
