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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subject3 Basic Start-up Questions
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1532, 3 Basic Start-up Questions
Posted by msawka, Tue Oct-21-08 03:25 AM

I am starting a Children's Etiquette business where I provide training services in the area of manners and etiquette. I am running the service business from my home. I have a few basic business questions:

1. Do I need a separate address from my home address for my business? Ex: a different PO Box number?

2. Do I need to formally register my business before I can start using my business name on printed materials and begin to collect fees in my business name? (Maryann Sawka's Etiquette Academy, Inc.)

3. Are there any insurances I need to purchase for a service business? For example, I have 2 etiquette workshops that I am currently running through a local YMCA where they collect the money in their business office and pay me a percentage (previously agreed upon amount). Since the workshops are held at a business site, am I covered by their insurance and do I need to have my own insurance of some kind?

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions!!

Maryann Sawka