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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRaising kids in a store
Topic URL
1386, Raising kids in a store
Posted by mom2blu, Wed Jul-02-08 07:02 AM
My husband and I have been talking about starting a store for years, right now we are looking at buying an existing one. One thing that is holding us back is kids. I have known people who have kids and essentially raise them in the store, having a play area in the back or in a corner. He says it's impossible. Do any of you own a store and have your kids there with you during the day?

How it would work is that, I would work the store, while he did his regular job. During business hours our kids (one son so far, more to come) would be with me. I figure we could have a kids area in one corner, not just for them but for customers kids, and when we have another baby we could have a bouncy seat behind the counter, and I could also wear the baby in a sling. Am I being unreasonable? Store hours would probably be 10-5 or later. Closed one or two days a week.

Does anyone else do this? Is it particularly hard? Have you tried this and failed?

Also we have a shopping center RIGHT across the street, and hope to have our store there, then in quite a few years when the kids are old enough they could stay home, because it would be less then 5 minutes away. Obviously that would be a long ways away.
