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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Any Advice Welcome!
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1372, RE: Any Advice Welcome!
Posted by Pioneer3131, Fri Jun-27-08 11:53 AM
Hello. My father started my company up in 1963 as a hobby. Dad used to avoid computer technology, mainly because he didn't understand it and he was intimidated by it. In fact, he avoided word processing and stuck with a typewriter until he died in 1989!

Many years later I had a website designed and put it up on the Internet. My objective was for my company to be found by GOOGLE. Unfortunately, I realized that no one was finding us. Business was coming in from our catalog or referrals from other websites. I wanted people to find me!!!

Personally I think you need to get some sort of website up. You can create your own at a minimal cost. If you are stuck, get the local high school geek to come in. They love that kind of thing. Then define your market. Put your website on ads, business cards, etc. I think a website gives a company a stamp of validity. Personalize it. Show pictures of your father building the fishing rods. Show a kid holding a big bass using one of the rods, etc. Then begin to "link." (I can go into that later.)

In short, in this day and age, websites are important. However, you don't have to pay a lot to get started. Again, your designer is at the local high school.