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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Any Advice Welcome!
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1367, RE: Any Advice Welcome!
Posted by iElectrify, Fri Jun-27-08 07:48 AM
Here's a good free way to help get the word out...

I live in a somewhat rural area as well and we have community bulletin boards all over the place -- supermarkets, supply stores, anywhere and everywhere. Flyers posted there stay up for quite awhile. You can print up some flyers on brightly-colored paper advertising your business - i.e.

"Just in Time for Summer!"

Feel the thrill of a custom-crafted fishing rod as you tackle the waters and catch the BIG one! You'll have bragging rights all summer and your buddies will wonder how you did it!

- then make some tear-off slips at the bottom of the page (similar to the kind used to sell old textbooks at colleges) with your name and phone number/web address.

Hope this helps!

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