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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Any Advice Welcome!
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1338, RE: Any Advice Welcome!
Posted by selah29, Thu Jun-19-08 08:31 PM
I agree! Custome fishing rods are a great niche market. I think your biggest flaw is that nobody is your spokesperson/advetiser.. Somebody needs to be spreading the word wheather it be online, tv, mail, radio, etc.

Since your budget is pretty tight, I would suggest a door to door type approach. Get some business cards made and go out and visit your potiential clients wherever they may be. Start with the local businesses; sporting goods stores, pawn shops, furniture stores, etc. Then go fishing... If they are there, then you need to be there handing your card out, telling them your story, and showing off your product. Many times it just takes 1 or 2 good contacts to really take your business off the ground.

Good luck with your endevours,

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