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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Any Advice Welcome!
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1316, RE: Any Advice Welcome!
Posted by DanLaBate, Tue Jun-10-08 06:55 AM
Custom fishing rods is a great niche market! I agree, you need a website, it is the most cost effective method of advertising and works in conjunction with all your other efforts, for example: You hand out a card, flyer etc. with your message and your web address on it and now you have the ability to invite the person to a full color brochure (your website). On the site you can say so much more, show pictures, prices, and even take orders without even having a physical store.

I might be biased seeing that I develop websites but we do it ourselves when we run print ads. Our ads get the potential customer to our website, our website is almost the same as getting them to our office.

Put your web address on everything!

1. On your Car
2. Business Card
3. Email signature
4. All Print items
5. Even on a T-shirt
The list goes on....

Hope this helps, and good luck with your business! Family owned businesses are the foundation that our economy was built on. If you would like more info about starting a website please feel free to call me.


Dan La Bate
Creative Director & SEM - Engines of

Phone: 518.842.3242
Fax: 866.643.4125