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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: What do you do?
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1143, RE: What do you do?
Posted by holibyte, Thu Mar-13-08 05:21 AM
>I have a product that is amaizing. It has great properties,
>It has been consumed for long time in other countries. This
>product is partially unknown in Canadá and USA. I would like
>to make an impact, and start selling it. I have no money but
>the product. I can't afford a website.
>My product is something alike NONI, I think my product is much
>better than NONI.
>There is a lot of literature and studies about this product in
>other languaje but no in english.
>My question is: What do you do? How can you do to make this
>product a success?
>This product is my last card, I got lay off for medical
>reassons and I went througt a very tight situation. I believe
>in a better future for me and my family. A help will be

If this is a drink similar to NONI my first question is has it been tested and approved by the FDA? If not then I would suggest your best approach is to build a killer proposal and presentation translating as much of the studies/literature as you can to English and then presenting it to a business that specializes in Health drinks.

A few suggestions to get started for a presentation:

- Market research, is there even a demand for your drink?
- Supply, can you find ways of getting it to North America cost effectively and in large enough supply if a company was to sign on to help you distribute it
- What is better about your drink that is different from NONI and all the other health drinks out there?

Then the entire goal (for you) is to basically bring the idea and sell it to another business most likely in exchange for an initial payoff and royalties.

That would be my suggestion on how to approach this primarily due to your lack of startup capital and presumable lack of experience in the Health drink promotional industry.