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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectWhat do you do?
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1140, What do you do?
Posted by tonysona, Wed Mar-12-08 08:35 PM
I have a product that is amaizing. It has great properties, It has been consumed for long time in other countries. This product is partially unknown in Canadá and USA. I would like to make an impact, and start selling it. I have no money but the product. I can't afford a website.
My product is something alike NONI, I think my product is much better than NONI.
There is a lot of literature and studies about this product in other languaje but no in english.
My question is: What do you do? How can you do to make this product a success?
This product is my last card, I got lay off for medical reassons and I went througt a very tight situation. I believe in a better future for me and my family. A help will be great.