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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectadvice...please!
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9, advice...please!
Posted by edie, Thu Sep-28-06 06:37 AM

i am not really sure what else i can do to help my personal care company climb out of the slump. we've been in business for just about 2 years and have started to hire sales reps in different territories, hired a marketing coordinator to help with press and establish new reps but it's still not going in the right direction. i have tried mailing out catalogs, offering promotions and have included press clippings to generate more business.

when i spoke to a few of the stores i sent info to, they mentioned that they're not ready to buy and come back around oct/nov - closer to xmas. what can we do til then to survive???others were not interested in trying something new and would rather stick with what works best. we had our products brought to an accessory/apparel show and had no luck there!!

there have been times when things have just gotten so busy we couldn't keep up but now, it's really not doing too well.

any advice...please help. owning a business is my dream and i don't want to give it up!!!