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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Is owning a business all it's cracked up to be?
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32, RE: Is owning a business all it's cracked up to be?
Posted by Phanntom, Fri Oct-13-06 01:16 PM
This is an almost perfect question for a yes AND no answer.

In my own case and most I'm familiar with, in those early years the answer would be a clear NO. On the other hand once you've gotten over the early struggles where you can afford competent help, no longer suffer the cashflow problems the new businesses have...then the answer becomes a definite YES.

While my business is 18yrs old now and provides me a very nice lifestyle and any amount of time I want to take off, it wasn't always that way. It started off slowly and several times I struggled at that point you have too much for one, but not enough for two...both in workload and cashflow. Along the way one partner left because his wife was tired of him not making enough and working too hard. Had he stuck with it...he could retire today and not have to work another day in his life...he's 44yrs old.'s tried three other businesses since on his own and each time his wife has henpecked him into throwing in the towel...while I believe he would've succeeded with any of them...but the real rewards take time.