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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Is owning a business all it's cracked up to be?
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25, RE: Is owning a business all it's cracked up to be?
Posted by bizdev, Thu Oct-12-06 01:05 AM
When I was running my children's shop (franchise) I worked 80 hour weeks, 7 days a week. The stress was off the charts. Dealing with the never ending tax deadlines and city officials and vendors and the occassional disgruntled customer and the bouncing was rarely enjoyable. Yet, it was my own and that was the point.

Being a business owner can be extremely difficult and costly. Much more difficult than one would imagine. But most people that catch the entrepreneurial bug need to experience it for themselves. It doesn't always work out the way you dream it, but at least you were able to give it a shot. Now you need to decide if it's worth trying to save it or if it's time to move on. Good luck to you.