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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Just wanting to vent to get ideas...
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49, RE: Just wanting to vent to get ideas...
Posted by geekgirl, Mon Dec-11-06 08:05 AM
One employer I had used a temp service as his hiring grounds. He would temporarily hire people to establish the probationary period (without even having to call it that). Once decided that it would become a full-time position, the relationship became a permanent hire.

This has two good aspects:

1- If a person is at a temp agency to find work, they usually have had to do a fairly extensive application process so should really want a job (and usually not afraid of working).

2- If you aren't happy with their performance, get someone else - it was a temp position anyway. Gives more leeway in the hiring/firing department... AND as an added bonus: the unemployment office will never call you about a temp!

my $.02


Add: You did say you were in a small town however - too small to have a temp agency? or is there a bigger city fairly close that may feed yours?