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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Just wanting to vent to get ideas...
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120, RE: Just wanting to vent to get ideas...
Posted by gojigirl, Tue Sep-11-07 08:38 AM
Hello, I am self employed also and yes it is hard finding good help, but I have also worked in a large card dealership before and was hired for the front desk phone. Then they had me multi-tasking and doing every part of the dealership except selling cars. You are hiring someone for the office assistant, but you are giving them tons of other things to do like unloading trucks and juicing limes that is the problem. You will never find someone to do that job that stays long and is happy with it, because they have to many roles in that job. You need to hire some one for the office and someone to unload trucks and do other odd jobs. Good Luck

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