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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Building a website
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155, RE: Building a website
Posted by Pepperfire, Thu Apr-24-08 04:31 AM
I could be wrong, but I believe I responded to this same post in the marketing forum.

From a Daily Grind standpoint...

One of the difficulties that we as small business owners have to deal with is judging whether or not our time is worth our expense. When the value of our time becomes more valuable to our business, we hire out the task to someone who can do it better and more efficiently. In the meantime, we suffer with learning curves and need to do what needs to be done, sometimes because we can't afford to pay someone else to do it.

That can be tricky when your cash flow is as erratic as it always is with a business startup.

Good luck with it.

Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!