581, RE: web site name Posted by nightstar, Sat Sep-15-07 07:07 PM
I'm have a kennel and sell puppies. I prefer to sell to individuals rather than brokers or pet stores because you never know what happens to the little guys. I don't have a large kennel but have puppies available most of the time. I specialize in three toy breeds: chihuahua's, pomeranians and yorkshire terriers. I thought the boutique would be a more steady type of income and at the same time help keep my puppies on customers minds. Also do you think I should concentrate on specialty items for toy breeds since that's the type puppies I'll have available? I would like to concentrate on having a great online presence since a brick and mortar store is unrealistic at this time. A website designer would be great but just isn't in the budget so I need all the help I can get.
Martha :-)