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579, web site name Posted by nightstar, Fri Sep-14-07 07:27 PM
Hi all,
I've been in business for over four years now and want to branch out by adding a website and a small boutique for dogs. The problem is finding a web name that isn't to long but at the same time has something to do with both. Should I have two different web sites and link to each other or just one? My e-mail address is which is really long. I don't have the patience to type it in myself let alone expect a customer to remember it. I've searched godady for almost any combination of ( or and so far they are all taken. Any help or advice would be wonderful, I've been trying to think of something for quite a while and the lightbulb it definitely blown.:D Thanks Martha
580, RE: web site name Posted by GalaGal, Sat Sep-15-07 05:04 AM
What is your existing (4 yr) business? And then the boutique would be a separate busines?
581, RE: web site name Posted by nightstar, Sat Sep-15-07 07:07 PM
I'm have a kennel and sell puppies. I prefer to sell to individuals rather than brokers or pet stores because you never know what happens to the little guys. I don't have a large kennel but have puppies available most of the time. I specialize in three toy breeds: chihuahua's, pomeranians and yorkshire terriers. I thought the boutique would be a more steady type of income and at the same time help keep my puppies on customers minds. Also do you think I should concentrate on specialty items for toy breeds since that's the type puppies I'll have available? I would like to concentrate on having a great online presence since a brick and mortar store is unrealistic at this time. A website designer would be great but just isn't in the budget so I need all the help I can get.
Martha :-)
583, RE: web site name Posted by GalaGal, Sun Sep-16-07 03:54 PM
My first thought was that you should name/brand each business activity to be able to focus your marketing efforts more accurately. Your target market for your boutique will probably incorporate both your existting clients (owners of puppies bred by your kennel), as well as other toy owners.
You could separately name/brand the boutique "Daystar Dog Boutique" playing upon "night" and by day, they are out and about wearing your boutique items.
Both and are both available. And you could "tie" them together with one slogan: Day or Night, your Pup is the Star.
Lastly, a website - consider to set up/design a website that is reasonably priced and can also host it for you. You could route both website addresses to a main page and allow the client to chose between the kennel or the boutique - making both types of prospective clients aware of the other side of your business. Additionally, make sure there is a link within each area of the website (the kennel or boutique) to get to the other part.
Good Luck!
588, RE: web site name Posted by nightstar, Tue Sep-18-07 05:45 PM
Thank you so much for the ideas and information.:D I'm really thankful for any input good or bad. Listening to someone with more experience or imagination than I have is easier than making dumb mistakes. I try to bounce ideas off my husband but he just says they are all good. Which is nice but I know isn't true.
Again thanks a lot if there's anything I can help you with feel free to ask.
595, RE: web site name Posted by hostingdiva, Fri Sep-21-07 05:27 AM
I would leave everything on one website just because it doesn't sound like, 1) you have enough product to justify two websites, or 2) there's a need to have two websites. Pupppies and puppy clothes sort of go together... it's not like you're sellling puppies and gold jewelry.
I think the boutique and the pups should be integrated together through out the website because people will see both at the same time which means you have more opportunity to sell.
You could purchase both domain names and then just pick one as the main name and have the secondardy name redirected to the primary so you could give out both and people would get to the same place.
Regarding the type of boutiqe store to sell - it seems like selling stuff for puppies in general would be great. You could even add food - there are lots of people who I'm sure would be happy to do a drop ship type program with you where they pay you a percentage if you sell their goods (or give you a discount). You could find people who make dog food at - I've seen gourmet and all natural products listed.
Good luck!! ~~~~~~
604, RE: web site name Posted by nightstar, Mon Sep-24-07 03:36 PM
Thanks for the information. I have contacted a small company based in the U.S.A. that manufactures their product here instead of importing which I really like. And I'm interested in talking to more companies that are U.S. based, so I'll definitely check out the craftersbuzz it sounds like it may just fit my needs.
:-) Martha