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Forum nameBizNames
Topic subjectBusiness Name - Tag Line ??
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259, Business Name - Tag Line ??
Posted by allie, Mon Feb-12-07 07:47 AM

We're a new business just going to be starting in mid-March. We are a home-based business offering 25 years of hands-on experience in doing vinyl,leather repair, restoration and re-dyes. We also do fabric repair. Our target market has always been in automotive. we are steering toward furniture stores, boats. Our target market is upper middle to high class clients.

Our business name is :

Superior Touch Restoration

This is the line my husband likes "Craftsmanship par excellence, we settle for nothing else".

Is this a little long to put on business cards?
Any suggestions for a line someone suggested:
"Our experience shows in the details", this was great but our target is no longer automotive aftermarkets.

We are a mobile service.
Any suggestions?

What is everyone's thoughts of putting a picture of myself and hubby , as we will be working as a team. I offer 25 years in customer service and sales, and he does the labour.

287, RE: Business Name - Tag Line ??
Posted by somepunk, Mon Mar-12-07 12:56 PM

I like your husbands line and if you make a two sided card and put the name and line on one side and your personal information on the other it should all fit.
Not sure a picture will fit though but if you have a website it may look good there.