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256, need some naming assistance! Posted by JoshuaF, Thu Feb-08-07 04:21 AM
Hi everyone. This is my first time on this site, and I'm in need of help. I have had my business in the works for about two months now. I have everything I need to get started but one thing. A name!! I am blanking. I don't really like the ones other people are coming up with, but I am stumped! HELP! a little background: I'm 20 years old today. Had a rough childhood and I'm the first to make it this far. I have decided to open my own body shop for custom paint on vintage cars. I'm stuck in the fifties and love the cars, trucks, bikes, anything that had wheels. I learned a lot through apprenticing and have become a great painter/pinstriper. I'm looking for something to express the body shop image but don't want to use words like customs and garage. I love the name Alley Cats but can't use it due to someone else having it (just recently discovered). If anyone has any ideas on this I could really use the help. I am stumped!
Josh Finochio
257, RE: need some naming assistance! Posted by John C, Sat Feb-10-07 04:50 AM
Flame Reaction Quick Draw Little Duece
258, RE: need some naming assistance! Posted by juliocesar, Sat Feb-10-07 03:43 PM
>xtream personality !!!!! thats the name ...because you car
shows alittle be of your personality but when you custom your
car is because you have a >>>xtream personality body
shop..... write back man im just starting my house painting
see you
> Hi everyone. This is my first time on this
>and I'm in need of help. I have had my business in the
>for about two months now. I have everything I need to get
>started but one thing. A name!! I am blanking. I don't
>like the ones other people are coming up with, but I am
>stumped! HELP!
>a little background:
>I'm 20 years old today. Had a rough childhood and I'm the
>first to make it this far. I have decided to open my own
>shop for custom paint on vintage cars. I'm stuck in the
>fifties and love the cars, trucks, bikes, anything that
>wheels. I learned a lot through apprenticing and have
become a
>great painter/pinstriper. I'm looking for something to
>the body shop image but don't want to use words like
>and garage. I love the name Alley Cats but can't use it
due to
>someone else having it (just recently discovered). If
>has any ideas on this I could really use the help. I am
>Josh Finochio
298, RE: need some naming assistance! Posted by jrrchr, Fri Mar-16-07 03:04 PM
Phat Cats
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