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Topic subject | I need a name for a pet day care or hotel |
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249, I need a name for a pet day care or hotel Posted by godurda1, Thu Feb-01-07 04:16 AM
Okay guys! I am wanting to start up a business in my area for pets. Either a pet day care or hotel. More than likely it will just be dogs but I haven't decided yet as I am still in the early stages. If it is a hotel i dont want it to be as big or extravagant as places you might find in the big cities.
But I need some name ideas. Can anyone help me out?:7
251, RE: I need a name for a pet day care or hotel Posted by John C, Thu Feb-01-07 12:43 PM
Rough!Rough! ReBARKable Roll Over Beetoven Chews Us
254, RE: I need a name for a pet day care or hotel Posted by loganbaker, Thu Feb-01-07 04:11 PM
my friend ownes Pet Suites, so its taken. But, what about Pet Pavilion, Seel-Bark Hotel (SealBach), hmm
290, RE: I need a name for a pet day care or hotel Posted by happyslob, Wed Mar-14-07 08:24 AM
This name just popped into my head:
Fido's Four Star
It makes it obvious that it's for dogs, and a high class hotel for pooches. :) Take care, Christina
The Happy Slob's Guide to Housecleaning