268, RE: I need a name for a home-based bakery business that delivers Posted by lisasgourmet, Mon Feb-19-07 05:56 AM
I agree with Wanda about the name. Very catchy!!
Also something to consider --- check with your local agencies to see if you are allowed to prepare foods for retail/commercial consumption in your home. Most cities/states do not allow for this. I'd hate to see you get started only to have the local health department come in and shut you down and/or fine you.
Also, make sure you have the proper licenses. My state requires a Food Service Sanitation license to prepare and sell food for commercial consumption.
You will also need some business insurance to cover your hiney on the off-chance someone should claim to get sick from your products. It really isn't that expensive (I am insured for 3.5mil and costs me approx $46 a month).
Your state website should have a business name search too. Register.com is a good place to start to see if the domain you want is available.
Good Luck!!
Lisa :D