1522, Need help with a name for a name business!! Posted by nachomommy, Tue Jul-12-11 03:56 AM
We are finishing up our research on the business we want to open. We are going to start a Name Meaning and personalization business.
We will sell the Name Meaning, Coat of Arms, Family Tree, Family Crest art with framing available. We will also offer desk sets, wedding gifts, etc....
This is going to be the MAIN part of the business. I am also looking at adding monogrammed jewelry (we would display it in our shop, then order when needed with a 48 hour turnaround time) as well as personalized party favors (think candy bars with personalized wrappers for weddings, birthdays, etc...)
I am really stuck on names!!!! Please help!!
We have thought about stuff with Names in it, or something with personal in it. My best one was Gifts Personafied. My hubby suggested Nom de plume.
Please throw ALL your suggestions my way!!! Thanks in advance. :-)