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Forum nameBizNames
Topic subjectRE: providing services for individuals & small business owners
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1408, RE: providing services for individuals & small business owners
Posted by DeniseTaylor, Tue May-18-10 06:59 AM
Hi there!

This sounds like a great idea.

But here's what I'm thinking - can you make your services ala carte and gear them to home business or small business? In today's economy, mid-size business is really struggling and start ups are not very common. However there is an upward trend with small or home businesses starting up.

Also, perhaps you could experiment with different markets - and focus on the needs of those who are doing well, because obviously not everyone is out of business. Some industries thrive in different economic climates than others.

If you experiment and target your audience, you might find a particular niche that is hot and gear your services to assist them.

All in all, if you are an individual, it shouldn't take too many leads to get you started and make you busy. The trick will be to keep the ball rolling while you're working so you get an even flow of new customers.

Also, this is the kind of thing the Internet can help you with. Some things you can do long distance using the Net which will expand your customer base and reduce legwork and advertising costs.