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Forum nameBizNames
Topic subjectWhich of these names do you like best?
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1286, Which of these names do you like best?
Posted by AlenaJoy, Sun Nov-01-09 12:13 PM
I'm still seeking a name for a candy vending business. Would you kindly let me know the one you like best, or a second one, if there are two tops ones here that you might like.

Snack Express or SnackExpress
Snack Delite
Sweet Delite
Plaza Sweets
Candy Express
Paradise Vending

I greatly appreciate any feedback you can give, and I really appreciate your time!

1288, RE: Which of these names do you like best?
Posted by hostingdiva, Mon Nov-02-09 06:20 AM
Hi Alena:

They're all fine.

I think I like Candy Express best but that's probably because I like candy :)

1294, RE: Which of these names do you like best?
Posted by AlenaJoy, Mon Nov-09-09 08:29 PM
Thank you so much for your input. I like Candy Express too but I noticed afterwards that another company has that name registered. They are not in my area and it probably wouldn't matter. But I'm undecided. Candy Express also seems alittle simplistic to me. Like maybe another word would sound better. Like Candy _______ Express. Much is taken already that might fit. Do you have any thoughts about what to add to this? Like Candy Lane Express? I don't want to intrude on your time.

Thank you again! Alena.