1212, Opinions on tag lines vs. mantras vs. mission/vision statements??? Posted by InfamousM, Tue Aug-04-09 04:55 PM
As consumers and/or business owners what is your opinion on having a tag line, mantra, mission/vision statement, or none of the above?
Here's a good article on mantras vs. mission statements
...but I'm still stuck on how much either should say. For instance a tag line generally gives more information to the consumer about the product or service provided while a mantra is more generalized to speak to the "spirit" of the business. But which is more impactful long-term where establishing a consistent and cohesive business identity is concerned?
In the end is superior product, customer service, and a solid marketing campaign worth more than any single business identity...?
Thoughts?? At this point I'm changing what I think everyday...so some other opinions would be helpful!
Also while on the topic, logos vs. logotypes? What do you think? What's most important in a brand? Name, color, aesthetic, tag line?