358, Want one of my Domain Names? Posted by punkster_popple, Mon Jul-14-08 07:08 AM
I have had many, Many :P business ideas and when each one popped into my head I ran over to godaddy.com and registered a domain name for it and then it just sat there. A lot of those names are due to expire soon and I wanted to see if anyone wanted them before they do. No cost of course I just don't want you to turn around and try to sell them (not that your could most of them aren't very good) but I do want to know what you intend to do with it before I give one to you. The date of expiration is next to the name and I think you need a godaddy account for me to transfer it to you. Just want to give back cause I've gotten some much help in these forums!
KIDSLUVMAIL.COM - Jul. 30, 2008 MYMAILCAME.COM - Jul. 30, 2008 POSTCARDPENPAL.COM - Jul. 30, 2008 MAILBOXFUZZIES.COM - Aug. 03, 2008 MAILFUZZIES.COM - Aug. 03, 2008 FIDOKIT.COM - Aug. 28, 2008 ILOVEMEW.COM - Sep. 01, 2008 BEWAREOFTHECAT.COM - Sep. 02, 2008 RISEOFTHEPETS.COM - Sep. 02, 2008 FUNNYPETJOKES.COM - Sep. 15, 2008 MYOWNFATCAT.COM - Sep. 16, 2008 PAWSTOFINS.COM - Oct. 19, 2008 TATTOOSFORSAFETY.COM - Nov. 22, 2008
I know, I know all very random! But I hope someone can use something there. :+