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Forum nameeCommerce
Topic subjectFeedback on website appreciated
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223, Feedback on website appreciated
Posted by rachelmartinez, Sat Jun-30-07 03:08 AM
The purpose of the site is to help small businessess get started.

Anybody have any comments, ideas, suggestions before I start promoting the site?

236, RE: Feedback on website appreciated
Posted by axiom, Mon Jul-23-07 01:40 PM
I checked out your site and found it very useful, I found merchant circle because of your site... For usefulness i thought it was great. For appearance, I thought it looked rather bare and I felt like I was surfing a site that was created at home with frontpage... There was nothing visually that would keep me on your site... Just a thought... best of luck...
239, RE: Feedback on website appreciated
Posted by dmkeith2, Sun Jul-29-07 05:26 PM

1. I suggest you go to and download their Content Management Software as it allows you to edit your website online and comes with many professional looking templates.

2. The Info is great but your URL names should be the following:
- Getting Started: business-planner.html
- Basic Requirements: business-basics.html
- For Employers: hiring-employees.html
- Local Business Directory: business-startup.html

3. You should add a contact form to your website for the customer to send you and email, not everyone has outlook express setup to send emails.

do a search on Google for url submit and submit your site to all the major search engines.

Good Luck
242, RE: Feedback on website appreciated
Posted by advancedstudio, Mon Jul-30-07 01:13 PM
I have a few suggestions. Your website looks very bare and kind of empty. Whenever someone comes to your website you want your website to look busy and alive with listing and resources. You also need to make it easy for them to submit a listing. A user is not going to waste the time to email you whenever they can just go somewhere else and sign up very easily without the wait. You can easily provide this with a paypal account and some PHP coding. You need to give them something other than what someone else bigger and better already offers. I hope this helps.
243, RE: Feedback on website appreciated
Posted by rachelmartinez, Tue Jul-31-07 12:01 AM
Thanks to all of you for your advice. There is alot that I want to add but haven't had the time to do yet. (July is a crazy month for me.) I will reference all of your suggestions as I go forward.

Thanks again.
