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Forum nameeCommerce
Topic subjectRE: Using Microsoft publisher to build a website
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214, RE: Using Microsoft publisher to build a website
Posted by ZeroGCreative, Mon Jun-18-07 12:17 PM
You also need to find good e-commerce software to integrate into your site. If you use a e-commerce solutions package where you get web hosting, web site, and will only be able to pick templates and change will not be able to do custom design. And you site will look VERY similar to all the other sites that use that same e-commerce package. You pay for quailty in this business...the cheaper it is...the less professional it will look and you will not be happy. If you are starting a business..then your marketing budget (that includes a website) should be at least 20% of your start-up budget. You should have enough money to have the site designed properly.

If you are only selling online...why would you not want to invest in a quality custom website?? You wouldn't open a brick and mortar store in a run-down store front would you? So why do a cheap, unprofessional, and hard to navigate (which most site builders are) site?? You only get one time to make a good first impression...and if you are selling quality want your website and all marketing materials to be of the same quality!!

Hope this Helps!