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Forum nameeCommerce
Topic subjectVerifying legtimacy of a company in china
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141, Verifying legtimacy of a company in china
Posted by Xr21, Mon Apr-02-07 05:28 PM
Hi am currently looking for suppliers in china and was wondering if there is a way to verify the legitimacy of the company. Any information would be extremely helpful.
189, RE: Verifying legtimacy of a company in china
Posted by hostingdiva, Sun Jun-03-07 06:12 AM
Have you tried to find them online to see if there is any information posted about them? Even if there is, I suppose it may not be honest...

What about calling the US Department of Commerce. I'm sure they have a whole China devision to help people who want to work with Chinese companies.

You may also want to call your local Small Business Office or Chamber of Commerce. A lot of those government agencies have offices set up to help people who want to work with companies overseas. They would be able to point you in the right direction.

Good luck!

213, RE: Verifying legtimacy of a company in china
Posted by equiprep, Sat Jun-16-07 04:53 PM
If you can not verify them you may want to consider going to a tradeshow in china where manufacturers show their goods that are available. Sometimes this is the best way to do it if you have no real history or sources that can verify these companies.