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Forum nameeCommerce
Topic subjectRE: Yahoo Stores
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257, RE: Yahoo Stores
Posted by hostingdiva, Thu Sep-06-07 01:38 PM
Most people have their own website in addition to doing stuff on Ebay. While Ebay fees have increased, they also do a lot of advertising so you get more customers than you would with your own website at the start. Generally, those who have their own sites use Ebay to drive additional traffic to their website. As the previous poster said, Yahoo doesn't do anything for other than give you a website - they don't advertise the website for you.

For the features you get with Yahoo, there are other services out there (see my sign at the bottom) that will do the same thing and you won't have to spend the extra money. Plus note that with Yahoo, you get free support for an hour and each additional hour costs you money.
