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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Marketing Help Please
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993, RE: Marketing Help Please
Posted by Pepperfire, Wed Apr-09-08 06:44 AM
>Thank you two for your responses. Okay, now I feel a little
>better knowing it does takes some time.
>As for how I'm driving traffic. Well aside from the post
>cards, I tried using Google Adwords, but found that they were
>actually having their own people click on my ad and sign up!
>Being a new site, it's easier to track, especially when you
>ask the question "How did you here about us?". When
>I stopped the ads, the sign ups stopped as well.
>I asked all my friends to also email people they know. I'm
>thinking of placing a newspaper ad as well. My keywords are in
>demand (free, classifieds, etc), so I'm sure people that pay
>more for them, will show up first.
>I just assumed, when people heard free, they'd come

The more I talk to people who have used Google Adwords, the more I think it's a scam. Will ANYONE ever tell me they actually got results from it? Sheesh.

That said... You might want to consider placing an ad in the classified ads of your local newspapers too. Many of them allow "free" ads for free. Look into it.

Also, see if any of the radio stations will let you put up a service announcement in exchange for free banner ad?


Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!