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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Marketing Help Please
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983, RE: Marketing Help Please
Posted by outlook, Mon Apr-07-08 05:38 PM
Thank you two for your responses. Okay, now I feel a little better knowing it does takes some time.

As for how I'm driving traffic. Well aside from the post cards, I tried using Google Adwords, but found that they were actually having their own people click on my ad and sign up! Being a new site, it's easier to track, especially when you ask the question "How did you here about us?". When I stopped the ads, the sign ups stopped as well.

I asked all my friends to also email people they know. I'm thinking of placing a newspaper ad as well. My keywords are in demand (free, classifieds, etc), so I'm sure people that pay more for them, will show up first.

I just assumed, when people heard free, they'd come running.;-)