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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Need Help with Direct Mail
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1058, RE: Need Help with Direct Mail
Posted by PalmeseDirect, Wed Jun-04-08 05:15 AM

How are you?

Industry: Mover & Handy Man

Mover: Reaching people before the move or businesses before they move is a very hard thing to do. You are better off doing a co-op mailing with Val-Pack and reach 1000's of consumers.

To reach this target by mail, I would send to my referral partners.
Real Estate, Mortgage, Closing Attn, etc.. Same for B2B.

Get out a network like crazy!!

The first letter should explain why you are contacting them? To build a refferal partnership. Tell them what you ant them to do!! call you, email, phone. The second letter should go to the non-responders with a simular message as the first.

The people you meet networking should be added to your database and sent a month email letter on an interesting topic of choice. This will keep your name in their face monthly. Drip Marketing!!

Handy Man

Mail to the elderly and New Homeowners.
When you get a handy man job ask for referrals.

If you have any questions or want me to expand on anything, please contact me.

Thank you