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Forum nameMarketing Mix
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Posted by ncryptedmind110, Sun Oct-28-07 11:19 AM
I have started a second business whose model is geared toward inspiring & empowering our youth, disadvantaged families, and everyday people, many who are experience mental & behavorial disorders including depression, confidence degredation, ADD, ADHD etc. I have an awesome business name, logo and USP/tagline that supports my company's mission! Because I do not have good enough credit to obtain financing for a business loan, I feel stuck on something that could be great. Family and friends and even my kids that I coach in fast-pitch softball love the look of my logo and what it stands for especially since they also hear it verbalized before, during and after practice or game. I would like to market it to my local schools and maybe the city's community service groups but I don't have the money to sponsor community or sports events. What can I do to get noticed? By the way, I recently met a young man who is a UFC fighter (ultimate fighting) who has been doing this for several years now but hasn't really been noticed and he would like for my company to sponsor him or a local event. I don't even have a clothing line or products yet to help promote him let alone for my own company! What can I do from here? Thank you to all who can help!!
