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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Help getting clients
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690, RE: Help getting clients
Posted by GalaGal, Fri Sep-14-07 11:51 AM
How about large firms who made need to outsource some of their work to meet a pressing deadline?

Law firrms
Advertising firms
Churches (newsletters)
Local Newspapers/magazines
Local printing companies (or even Kinko's)
Web designers (may need their clients' copy or information typed before being inserted into website)

If you price your services based on the piece, that might appeal to them.

You might even check with local temporary employment agencies, to network with them. They may have clients who request temporary staff for word processing, that they could refer to you.

Do you have a website or some way to display your projects and prices? Or do you have some type of "final project" that is one page, that you could hand out to prospects so they can immediately see the quality of your work. Make sure to include your contact information on it, or attach a business card to it.
