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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectDespertely need help in marketing my portal
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628, Despertely need help in marketing my portal
Posted by vijaya, Mon Aug-06-07 12:45 AM

I have developed a social networking portal that allows one

1. To sell/buy items on a garage sale in your neighborhood
2. To maintain friends and relatives anniversaries.
3. Avail a personal finance tool to save and grow income
4. Network within ones neighborhood, their interest group etc
5. Get guidance on vacation spots depending on budget, time, and choice of interest
6. Place an ad for ones skilled services (electrical, plumbing, driving, counselling etc) availability or requirement
7. Show case ones talents (painting, photography, dolls, candles etc) or buy unique items that otherise may not be found in shops
8. Attend classes for special exams, yoga, dance, music etc
9. Get counseling help for personal, education, finance, health etc
10. Plan a day more efficiently
11. Maintain personal / medical journal
And much more for kids exclusively

This is a beta version and I want to get as much feedback as I can.

I am now facing a major marketing challenge. I need advise in announcing my portal to the world. If I advertise in magazines/paper, because of the budget constraint of the advertisement amount, the ad may be very small and can easily be overlooked and I may not be achieving the results I want.

Thanks in advance for all your help,


PS: Also all small scale business owners, you can put your advertisements under classifieds channel in my portal. You may not get any business right away but as moe subscribers register, your chances are more likey to increase. Right now every thing is free as it is only the beta version of the portal.