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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Marketing Ideas for Women's Consignment Sale
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620, RE: Marketing Ideas for Women's Consignment Sale
Posted by Pepperfire, Tue Jul-31-07 09:16 AM
Angela has given you some great ideas, as has the previous poster...

Definitely send out a press release.. but not just the local paper, hit the radio stations and tv too... local news is huge when there is no news.

One way to get women to consign their clothing, etc. is to send out a postal card inviting them to consign their items. It is not so expensive to send and you can target your potential sellers by postal code region. This can be done at the local post offices here in Canada, I don't know if USPS offers this service, but I would look into that, it is not expensive.

Also, advertise with local Placement agencies and what do you call them... schools that help folks find jobs after their training... Vocational schools? You can probably arrange "trunk sales" at such places during placement period.

Good luck, it sounds like a great idea.


Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!