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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Inspirational Postcards
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605, RE: Inspirational Postcards
Posted by nielsencl, Mon Jul-23-07 08:08 AM
It's a nice site. The only thing that could be improved is that I didn't understand at first that your price includes the postage. Do you do the mailing or just send the cards to the customer with postage attached?

And I was not able to read the message on the card called "WHAT ARE YOU WORTH?"

You should probably try to find someone that offers web marketing services to search in Google to find information on this topic. There is a lot you can do. Here are a couple of suggestions:

- Place free classified ads at sites like

- Open an Ebay account and sell some packages of cards there. If you can have link to your site or at least let people know what the URL for your site is it will help bring in some traffic.

- You could give away some cards every month and list the offer on some sites that have frebies. Make people sign up and then send them a message each month as a reminder of your service and to announce who the latest winners are.

I hope this helps.
Good Luck,

Nielsen Technical Services