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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Getting a Press Release out - HELP PLEASE!
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470, RE: Getting a Press Release out - HELP PLEASE!
Posted by Spread the News, Thu May-24-07 05:47 AM
The question always arises how to promote a business globally. This is quite a huge endeavor that you shouldn't even try. For your business promotion you should be thinking locally and not globally. You are doing business and are a resident of a specific geographic area. Local media in your geography are always interested in presenting to their readers, listeners, or watchers news and information about people of interest in their area. So let's say that you are a virtual assistant in Cleveland, or a financial consultant in Miami, or Biscuits by Lambchop in New York. Start with your local daily newspapers. The editors want and need to know about the newsworthy happenings at your business. So the Cleveland Plain Dealer wants to know about the fund raising activities that the VA has planned, or the Miami Herald will print the information seminar that the financial consultant has planned, or the New York Daily News wants to know that your American company is doing business with Senko Corporation in Japan.

Then something remarkable happens. National media always looks to local media for news and information that they can present as well. Think about the local stories that everyone was talking about because CNN or Fox News picked it up. The list is endless. This list could and should include your business. Start to take the steps locally that could result in ever greater positive publicity for you which of course leads to more and more business.

Much Success,
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