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38, marketing plan Posted by Pook, Wed Oct-11-06 06:18 AM
I am working on a new marketing plan and would like some advice. I own a Staging company and have been doing good, but would like to figure out some more avenues to reach clients. I go to real estate office meetings and trade shows, but I need something new.
We offer more services than most Stagers, as we pre-pack, move thngs to storage, clean, organize, supply packing materials, pack and unpack.
I would greatly appreciate any ideas and or advice.
Thank you!!
39, Deleted message Posted by flawless, Thu Sep-14-06 04:44 AM
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41, RE: marketing plan Posted by bizdev, Sun Sep-17-06 02:36 AM
Have you used a press release yet? Always, always take advantage of the power of the good old press release. The results can be far reaching and can create a domino effect.
When I wrote my press release for my children's shop it was picked up by several newspapers. When those articles came out other newspapers came knocking wanting to do more articles. I also sent it to which was picked up by a national tv show. This went on for a full year! All from one simple (FREE!) press release.
47, Deleted message Posted by lifecoachmb, Thu Sep-28-06 03:51 AM
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60, RE: marketing plan Posted by gardenchick, Tue Oct-10-06 01:38 PM
I don't know much about your business but I know I enjoy watching the "lets sell this house" etc shows and their use of staging companies There are a lot of these shows on, they are very popular and maybe you could contact your local newspapers lifestyle section, and pitch a story related this new phenomenen. Karen
61, Deleted message Posted by gardenchick, Tue Oct-10-06 01:38 PM
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