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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Website Design
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187, RE: Website Design
Posted by stellar_87, Mon Dec-18-06 04:21 PM
Hi Brian- I sat next to you w/ Swamy Rao.
Funny that we both found this place. I love it.
Someone was looking for a web designer about a month ago on Idea Cafe and I referred them to you! I think you do a great job! Anyway,
Have you already done B2B marketing? Many computer stores, business consultants, etc. would be happy to keep your business cards on hand. When I'm finished with school, I plan on being a consultant/business turn-around coach myself... I know consultants like to always have lots of resources on hand for their clients -like having 1,000s of cards up their sleeves. Look into building B2B relationships w/ established firms and introducing yourself and dropping off business cards. Wharton is pretty small... you probably know most everyone there. Come over to E.C. sometime. There are a lot of people here that would be happy to help advertise. Sorry so long. Take care.

I got an A in Rao's , you too?

Amy Driscoll