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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: Get more business
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1415, RE: Get more business
Posted by ikedunne, Mon May-11-09 11:38 AM
Not sure where you're located. Have you put tables outside?

Can you cater coffee for businesses? 3000 is not a large number of prospects but I assume you already considered that in your business plan.

It's easy to get down about this. Don't. You just have to decide how badly you want to stay open.

Let's say it's my coffee shop.

1) I would visit every company in town and offer a 2 for 1 coupon...not for everyone, just the employees. Make sure I code them so I know where it's coming from

2) I would do the same in the nearest town to you.

3) If I'm only selling coffee...then I'd only sell coffee. I'd offer my place for a bakery distribute their wares. I'd keep small percentage. I wouldn't buy stuff and keep inventory. I don't have the cash.

4) If I had the room, the women's (or men's) small group from church would meet at my place for free. I know they'd buy stuff from me.

Hope this helps
