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1129, Legal question
Posted by msawka, Wed Jul-02-08 09:13 AM
I'm interested in developing workshops for children regarding social skills and manners. This is not a preschool, but move of a weekly workshop (similar to a weekly ballet class, for example, but focusing on social skills and manners) for a set number of weeks per term.

I'm developing my own curriculum, but plan on using resource materials that I have purchased. What are the legal issues with using another publication, any?

1132, RE: Legal question
Posted by annalaurabrown, Fri Jul-04-08 10:19 AM
The only thing that occurs to me is that if you are using videos or movies at all there are rules about showing these to groups, also you need to make sure you do not violate copyright laws by making more copies of any workbooks than you are allowed legally to do.
1176, RE: Legal question
Posted by DeenaEsq, Tue Jul-29-08 02:20 AM
Actually, there is a fair use exception for using copyrighted materials for educational purposes. See 17 USC 110, which I have copied and pasted below for your reference...

"§ 110. Limitations on exclusive rights: Exemption of certain performances and displays

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, the following are not infringements of copyright:

(1) performance or display of a work by instructors or pupils in the course of face-to-face teaching activities of a nonprofit educational institution, in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction, unless, in the case of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, the performance, or the display of individual images, is given by means of a copy that was not lawfully made under this title, and that the person responsible for the performance knew or had reason to believe was not lawfully made;"

Hope that helps...

Deena B. Burgess,Esq.

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