342, Web Site (Our Thorn In The Side) Posted by NLE, Mon Dec-07-09 01:38 PM
Hello everyone,
Here's the break-down of the only major issue our business has:
Our web site is terrible! It doesn't look right, although its concept is valid. It has only gotten hits, not postings and the general comments we recieve via email about the site itself range from dull to boring.
We know it needs help. We've hired web masters and design artists and spent far too much money on this than it's worth presently.
After attending a meeting with some other industry people, one suggested using a college student or group to have them build a site, get full credit and recognitions and a grade too. Well, far be it from us to say something will or will not work; so, here we are!
If anyone knows of such a person or group who will fit the order, please feel free to have them contact our business office via email and we'll be happy to talk things over with them. At this point in time, we stress, there will be No Paid Compinsation for these efforts, only a working relationship and a Thank You. Should the new site produce what we're after, dontation or reasonable fee may be addressed in good faith.
Thanks for the lines and we look forward to seeing if this suggestioon pans out.
Mark and Annette NLE Neutral Lives Entertainment
Post Script: Although presently up, our site stinks. We've listed the URL so that statement can be proven! All in good faith as mentioned above.