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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: i need help to find and start a small business
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917, RE: i need help to find and start a small business
Posted by Roseb441702, Sat Mar-17-07 05:44 PM
> Hi my name is Ron
>I have all ways wanted to be my own boss. Every time i get a
>good idea or a plan i talk my self out of it. For example i
>had a plan for a presssure washing business. when i looked for
>one for sale i found so many of them it made me worry if
>theirs is a market for it so i decided against it .i live in a
>very small town i am a young guy of only 21 so every time i
>ask for help people say your so young you got time . i have a
>house and a car to pay for my wife and i work alot of hrs to
>keep on top we are trying so hard to become successful . so if
>you could toss some ideas out we whould be very grateful god
> Ron
>yes i know i am young and dumb but i have set a gole to keep
>food on the table and a little money in the pocket .

I agree with a lot of people that have replied here. Find something that you love to do. You have to realize that those that have started their own business didn't "wave a magic wand" and then all of a sudden they had a successful business.

I bet that you also didn't realize that having a computer (I'm assuming here that you have your own computer) is a very good tool to have when you want to start your own business. I'm currently working with a client that doesn't have a computer of his own (he uses the one at the local library) so you have to realize that you have more to work with than you think.

Again it all comes down to the matter of what you are interested in. If you're looking for a way to make "fast" cash then the fastest way to make money is to find a need and fill it. Businesses such as dog-walking, starting a daycare or cleaning business have always been suggested as good businesses to start because there is always a need for these kinds of services. Look around your area - what is there a need for? Yard-work, running errands......

If you're talking about doing work that is less physically demanding like working on your computer then there are things you can do. some of the most profitable websites are (sad but true) the adult sex websites. It is not everybody's cup of tea but it is enough that sites like these make more than enough to live off of. Fortunately its not just sex that sells. I know of a college student who made a million dollars simply by having a website that lets other people advertise on it. I know a guy who started a gambling site and he has more money than he can ever spend.

You must have some kind of interest or hobby or thing that you like to do and if you think that none of those can be turned into a profitable business then you are wrong. And as far as being "dumb" is concerned have you heard about those ".......for Dummies" books? They made a lot of money!

People are making money buying and selling on Ebay. People are making money by having blogs that have advertising on them.

What you can do is do one of the things that I mentioned above as far as finding a need and while you are making money doing that that will give you time to figure out what it is that you really want to do.