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Forum nameBiz Ideas
Topic subjectRE: i need help to find and start a small business
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871, RE: i need help to find and start a small business
Posted by bizconsultant, Tue Mar-06-07 10:54 AM
Well Ron..

I would just ask you what it is that you are passionate about doing. If you do a business just to make money, you can almost be assured of failure because the effort just wont be there. Alot of part time home businesses can definitely be started on a shoe string. Use a mapping process to include , what u like to do, what time u can devote, how much financially u can invest in it and what type of marketplace there exist locally for it..

Best of luck with it and if you need any further advise, feel free to email me

> Hi my name is Ron
>I have all ways wanted to be my own boss. Every time i get a
>good idea or a plan i talk my self out of it. For example i
>had a plan for a presssure washing business. when i looked for
>one for sale i found so many of them it made me worry if
>theirs is a market for it so i decided against it .i live in a
>very small town i am a young guy of only 21 so every time i
>ask for help people say your so young you got time . i have a
>house and a car to pay for my wife and i work alot of hrs to
>keep on top we are trying so hard to become successful . so if
>you could toss some ideas out we whould be very grateful god
> Ron
>yes i know i am young and dumb but i have set a gole to keep
>food on the table and a little money in the pocket .